Five more YouTube channels to use with curious students

In this post, I am sharing 5 more YouTube channels you can share with your curious students. You might find them appropriate for older and more mature teenagers as well. The only prerequisite is for both you and your students to be curious, open-minded and eager to learn new things about the world.  Continue Reading …


Effective communication lesson plan

I created this lesson plan with my C1/C2 students in mind. It deals with the topic of effective communication and helps practicing reading, speaking, and collaboration. It might also be used when discussing narrative tenses. You will need 90 minutes to complete this lesson.

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5 things I learned writing my first book

This time last year I was beginning to work on my first ever ELT publication: a grammar resource book for Polish high school students (high school leaving exam aka Matura). Here are 5 things I learned from that (long and often painful!) process. Keep reading if you are interested in ELT materials writing.

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Climate change lesson plan

This is a lesson I have recently tried with my C1 teenage group. It is based around the climate change solutions quiz by CNN. The activities include vocabulary brainstorming, mini group discussion and ranking, and a possible writing extension. You will need around 90 minutes for this class.

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Six YouTube channels to use with curious students

In this post, I am sharing my favourite YouTube channels which I use during lessons with adult students. You might find them appropriate for older and more mature teenagers as well. The only prerequisite is for both you and your students to be curious, open-minded and eager to learn new things about the world. Take a look at my list.


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