In this post, I am sharing 5 more YouTube channels you can share with your curious students. You might find them appropriate for older and more mature teenagers as well. The only prerequisite is for both you and your students to be curious, open-minded and eager to learn new things about the world. Continue Reading …
Teacher’s Toolbox
A low-prep icebreaker: time travel
This icebreaker requires virtually no preparation from the teacher but is guaranteed to involve all the students and help them discover the things they have in common. A great option for groups at all levels, especially B1 and higher.
5 things I learned writing my first book
This time last year I was beginning to work on my first ever ELT publication: a grammar resource book for Polish high school students (high school leaving exam aka Matura). Here are 5 things I learned from that (long and often painful!) process. Keep reading if you are interested in ELT materials writing.
My top 5 #ELT Instagram accounts
Instagram is definitely becoming a place to look for quality ELT content. Let me share my top 5 #ELT Instagram accounts with you. Please, share your fav ones in the comments. Continue Reading …
Pisanie z podręcznikiem Password Reset
W tym poście dzielę się pomysłami jak ułatwić uczniom rozpoczęcie pisania zadań takich jak rozprawka czy list zawartych z podręczniku Password ResetB1+ Continue Reading …
Słowotwórstwo z podręcznikiem Password Reset
W tym poście dzielę się pomysłami jak skutecznie rozwijać świadomość uczniów na temat słowotwórstwa (word formation) na przykładzie nowego podręcznika Password Reset wydawnictwa Macmillan.
[downloadable materials available]
Conditional structures fun activities
What types of exercises can help your students wrap their heads around more complex conditional structures they often encounter when preparing to exams (B2 and C1)? Keep reading to find out.
Czasowniki frazowe w akcji z podręcznikiem Password Reset
W tym poście dzielę się pomysłami jak skutecznie wprowadzać na zajęciach z licealistami czasowniki frazowe (phrasal verbs) na przykładzie nowego podręcznika Password Reset wydawnictwa Macmillan.
[downloadable materials available]
Six YouTube channels to use with curious students
In this post, I am sharing my favourite YouTube channels which I use during lessons with adult students. You might find them appropriate for older and more mature teenagers as well. The only prerequisite is for both you and your students to be curious, open-minded and eager to learn new things about the world. Take a look at my list.
Course rules and expectations: 3 activities
Other than breaking the ice, first lessons are very often used to talk with the students about the course rules, requirements and expectations both students and we might have regarding the classes. If your courses are only beginning now (like mine!) these three ideas might help you talk about rules and expectations in a more rewarding and language-rich way than simply distributing a handout.