5-minute reading activity: misheard lyrics

The aim of this brief reading activity is for students to identify and correct misheard lyrics in popular songs. It is a fun activity for both older and younger students which tests their reading comprehension and memory, and also encourages creativity. It is a great way to either start or finish the class.

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Reported speech speaking activity

The aim of this activity is to practice using reported speech in the context of gossip. Reported speech lends itself quite nicely to be used in such context (repeating what somebody else had said) and the activity encourages a lot of creativity in students. It is suitable for levels pre-intermediate and above.

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Facebook lesson plan

Facebook lesson plan offers a lot of Facebook-related vocabulary practice, grammar practice, and speaking. It was inspired by the video What’s on Your Mind which went viral and inspired some discussion about the way we use social media to create our online persona. It is suitable for pre-intermediate and intermediate students and compliments well coursebook chapters about technology or media.

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