Conditional structures fun activities

What types of exercises can help your students wrap their heads around more complex conditional structures they often encounter when preparing to exams (B2 and C1)? Keep reading to find out.

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Idiomatic expressions revision games

This year I am teaching a C1 course to a group of teens. Our coursebook is packed with idiomatic expressions (and phrasal verbs!) which pose a considerable challenge for my students who are very fluent and fairly accurate yet shy away from any figurative language. Here are 3 ideas for revision games I have been using to help them consolidate their knowledge of various idioms.

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A betting game icebreaker

A-betting-game-icebreakerThis was my go-to icebreaker activity this summer when I spent four weeks working with teens aged 14-17.  It works best with groups but might also be used during 1-1 lessons with teens and adults. The activity combines a tried and tested “Two truths and a lie” with the concept of any betting game. Keep reading to find out more.

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5 phrasal verbs revision games for advanced students

Making students even remotely enthusiastic about learning and using phrasal verbs has been one of my biggest challenges as a teacher. These 5 games have proved to be effective as far as consolidating and revising my students’ knowledge of phrasal verbs and encouraging their use. I have been using these games with upper-intermediate and advanced learners, especially those preparing for their FCE and CAE exams.

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